
Alvar Aalto in Germany: Drawing Modernism

EXHIBITION. The exhibition, presented in collaboration with the Alvar Aalto Foundation in Finland, sets on display over 70 original works by the renowned Finnish architects Alvar A...

Together Again Festival

CONTEMPORARY ARTS FESTIVAL displaying international community-based pieces in Helsinki and online. The Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes are excited to release the full prog...

Nordic experiences of territorial autonomy and their global relevance – Islands of the North: Faroes, Greenland and Åland

PANEL DISCUSSION – open event. The Nordic region and cooperation includes among its various tools of societal diversity and multilevel governance three island regions with high but...

The potential of club corners: Walkthrough with the artist Isabella Chydenius

EXHIBITION WALKTHROUGH in English and German. Together with the Finnland-Institut Visiting Artist 2023, we will look at the works, talk about their creation and exchange ideas over...

Visiting Art/ist 2023: Isabella Chydenius | The potential of club corners

ART EXHIBITION as part of the Visiting Art/ist programme. Thu 1.6.2023 | 5.30 pm   Exhibition walkthrough with Isabella Chydenius. In English and German. The Visiting Art/ist progr...

Markus Jäntti-Tuominen and Walter Sallinen: Et le passé revit le temps d’une visite

FILM SCREENING AND BOOK PRESENTATION of an interdisciplinary art project (visual arts and music/sound). Et le passé revit le temps d’une visite (Eng: And the past comes alive...

In conversation with the Finnish Institutes: Returning home

ONLINE DISCUSSION. Eeva-Kristiina Nylander | Sámi Museum Siida, Inari Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tietmeyer | Museum of European Cultures – National Museums in Berlin Mikko Fritze | The Fi...

Bassam El Baroni, Aalto University: Inclusionary Effects

TALK as a part of the exhibition “Landscapes of Belonging”. The talk’s starting point is curator and theorist Stephanie Bertrand’s observation that “curating’s inclusio...

Visiting Art/ist 2022: Jukka Korkeila | All of Finland weeps – Tears of sorrow, joy and healing

EXHIBITION CATALOGUE.   As a queer artist, Korkeila has created works that, for example, give shape to sexual identities, the exploration of the Christian Orthodox faith, an...

Visiting Art/ist 2022: Jukka Korkeila | All of Finland weeps – Tears of sorrow, joy and healing

ART EXHIBITION as part of the Visiting Art/ist programme. Thu 2.6.2022, 6−9 pm | Midissage and performance by Frau Kraft Jukka Korkeila is one of Finland’s foremost painters, whos...

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