
service photo
© Finnland-Institut/Foto: Bastian Gies

We warmly invite bookworms and avid readers alike to visit our small library! The library offers a small but interesting selection of books, mainly in German but also in Finnish and Swedish. The collection consists mostly of contemporary Finnish and Finnish-Swedish authors, primarily in German translation. In addition, there is a selection of non-fiction and art books, scholarly volumes, children’s books and books for adolescents, comics and poetry. The books may be borrowed for a lending period of four weeks.

Our library uses a new library management system, Librarika. It allows you to browse our book collection online and make reservations. You can create a Librarika account at the Institut with the help of our staff.

Our library room is also open to those who would like a quiet space to concentrate on their work. Secure Internet access is available to guests of the Finnland-Institut. The most recent edition of the Finnish magazine Suomen Kuvalehti can also be read in the library. In addition, it is also possible to read the e-editions of the newspapers Helsingin Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet on the Institut’s laptop available to guests.

Finnish literature translated into German 2022–2024

Explore our online library Librarika

More information

Opening hours
Tue and Thu 11am – 7pm

Contact |  Tel. +49 30 40 363 18 90

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