
We warmly invite bookworms and avid readers alike to visit our small library! The library offers a small but interesting selection of books, mainly in German but also in Finnish and Swedish. The collection consists mostly of contemporary Finnish and Finnish-Swedish authors, primarily in German translation. In addition, there is a selection of non-fiction and art books, scholarly volumes, children’s books and books for adolescents, comics and poetry. The books may be borrowed for a lending period of four weeks.
Our library uses a new library management system, Librarika. It allows you to browse our book collection online and make reservations. You can create a Librarika account at the Institut with the help of our staff.
Our library room is also open to those who would like a quiet space to concentrate on their work. Secure Internet access is available to guests of the Finnland-Institut. The most recent edition of the Finnish magazine Suomen Kuvalehti can also be read in the library. In addition, it is also possible to read the e-editions of the newspapers Helsingin Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet on the Institut’s laptop available to guests.