• Category:Design
  • Place:Austria
  • Date: 27.09.2019
  • Time:12 a.m.
  • Address:Vienna Design Week Festival Headquarters, Finland Lounge, Julius-Tandler-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna
  • Co-organiser:Habitare, Vienna Design Week, Business Finland, Visit Finland and the Finnish Embassy in Vienna
  • Email:habitare@messukeskus.com
  • Admission:free
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Habitare Mingle

event photo

Habitare, the leading design fair in Finland, warmly welcomes You to enjoy refreshments together with us and the team behind the Finnish design exhibition Wild at Heart. Habitare’s Creative Director, Laura Sarvilinna will give preview of the 2020 edition, Habitare’s 50th anniversary.

Habitare is the leading design fair in the Nordic countries and the biggest in Finland. Held since 1970 it attracts 60.000 visitors every September to Messukeskus, Helsinki. Habitare offers experiences and ideas on interior decoration, and on the functioning and look of homes and other spaces – for both consumers and industry professionals. Habitare highlights the ideas and works by a new generation of designers, and sparks discussion.

A guided tour of the exhibition Wild at Heart by curator Tero Kuitunen starts at 11 a.m. right next to the Finland Lounge.

RSVP by 23 September 2019 to habitare@messukeskus.com
Free admission.

By registering, guests agree to the use of contact information for marketing and communications by Messukeskus Finland and the Finnish Institute in Germany.



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