• Category:Visual arts
  • Place:Berlin
  • Date: 27.02.2020
  • Time:19.00 Uhr
  • Address:Finnland-Institut, Friedrichstr. 153 a (3. OG), 10117 Berlin
  • Transport links:Bahnhof Berlin-Friedrichstraße
  • More information:Kati Lommi, Tel. 030-40 363 18 90
  • Email:info@finstitut.de
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Artist residencies – the visible and invisible outcome of artistic exchange programs

event photo
Tanja Koljonen, Detail image of an artist book: 64 SACRED VIEWS. Leipzig 2019. ISBN 978-952-94-1833-6


Tanja Koljonen, artist
Tuukka Haapakorpi, artist
Maria Ondrej, Atelier für Radierung Leipzig
Bettina Senff, director of Goethe-Institut Danmark, initiator of the LIA exchange programme Nordic-Leipzig

Moderator: Anna-Louise Rolland, Director of LIA Leipzig International Art Programme

Residencies play a crucial role in the global art world. They can function for artists as a source of inspiration for artists and can also help to enlarge an artist’s international network. In the long run, it could be argued, residencies also enhance the cultural exchange of ideas across borders. In this panel, we want to learn more about residencies and their possibilities by talking to the organisers and participating artists of the Nordic-Leipzig exchange programme, which is part of LIA Leipzig International Art Programme and has been initiated by Goethe-Institut Danmark. What were the reasons for initiating this programme? Why do artists apply for this particular residency? What are the aesthetic outcomes of this this experience? Are there also invisible outcomes of this residency that can perhaps only be measured over time? What about the future of artist residencies? Do they have to rethink their ways of operating in times where flying is considered to be highly problematic for the future of our planet?

The talk will be held in English.

Please register by 24 February, 2020 via info@finstitut.de

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