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© Finnland-Institut/Bernhard Ludewig

Learning from and with One Another

Dr. Laura Hirvi enters her seventh year as Director of the Finnish Institute in 2021, before passing the "baton" to her successor Mikko Fritze in June 2021. During the challenging 2020 work year she participated in Aalto University Executive Education's Business of Culture programme for leaders, and shares some of the insights she gained.

The original English-language version of this blog post can be found on the Aalto University Executive Education website.

Translation/editing: Ramona Tyler

Dr. Laura Hirvi ist seit 2015 Leiterin des Finnland-Instituts.

Laura Hirvi on toiminut vuodesta 2015 Suomen Saksan-instituutin johtajana.

Laura Hirvi har fungerat som chef för Finlandsinstitutet i Tyskland sedan 2015.

Laura Hirvi has been the director of the Finnish Institute since 2015.

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