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  • Datum: 10.11.2010 - 12.11.2010
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Elitist institutions in egalitarian societies? Visions and realities of Nordic universities – Conference

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Institutions of higher education play a major role in society due to their historical evolution, their social function and their cultural significance. They provide an interface between visionary goals, hands-on solutions, ideas and ideals from abroad, as well as their modifications according to local requirements.

The Humboldt anniversary’s motto “The Modern Classic” clearly conveys historical awareness and a claim of ownership over a set of university ideals. These principles and values were – or were perceived as – strong influential factors as they were disseminated and absorbed all around the world. Universities and academies in the Nordic countries are manifestations of formative processes at the national, regional and local levels as well as internationally.

In this conference, we will discuss various aspects of the history of universities, higher education and research institutions in the Nordic countries as well as the influence and transfer of ideas and models from outside, mainly the German tradition of Education and Academia, and the Anglo-American traditions of Liberal Arts and Science. Our main focus is to analyse the visions and realities of Nordic universities today and their interaction with the traditional egalitarian society. Finally, we want to discuss what the future holds.

The conference is organised by the Finnish Institute in Germany, Humboldt University Berlin/Department for Northern European Studies and University of Oslo/Forum for universitetshistorie.
Please find here the conference’s invitation and programme.

If you are interested in attending, please register by phone 030-20 93 53 60 or e-mail heike.wieters@hu-berlin.de by November 4th, 2010.
Still some places left: please contact heike.wieters@hu-berlin.de, 030-20 93 53 60!

Datum/Uhrzeit: Mi 10.11.2010, ab 16.00 Uhr
Do 11.11.2010, ab 9.15 Uhr
Fr 12.11.2010, ab 9.15 Uhr
Finnland-Institut, Georgenstr. 24 (1. OG), 10117 Berlin-Mitte, und Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mitveranstalter: Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Forum for universitetshistorie, Universität Oslo
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